Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Continue to send your thoughts...

I'd like to compile them all (with some help of course) and make a book for Izzy and Cap as a reminder of the love and happiness their dad created in such a short time and to capture their moms strength and grace! Please keep sending in cute stories about David and his family and how he changed your life! You can post to blog or email to (subject: SuperFamily Book) - please send pictures as well! I want to start now while our feelings are raw, open and honest! Love really shines when we are in pain - crazy how that happens!

I loved Jennifer's note and look forward to more of these...."My persistent memory of David is this: It is any given morning last year. He is leaving Barrow school in the morning after dropping off Izzy. He is handsome (first with hair and later without hair). He looks like a model, has a contagious smile and has a "hello" for everyone he passes.....and then he slings a pink scooter over his shoulder as he heads back home!"

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