Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our Prayers Are Working...One Tough Bunch!

Dear Team Boyd,

Another crisis averted! Cap and I are home, and he is the picture of health.  Along with my loyal sidekick Kerry, we have some new tools in our arsenal to combat his Hirschsprung's Disease.  Each HD kid is different, and it takes trial and error to get the right balance of nutrition, medicine, and interventions (or as Izzy refers to it "suckin' out the poop!".  Our family at MCG was amazing, and they once again have worked miracles.

Thank you to everyone who helped keep things running smoothly in Athens with meals, school, extra curricular activities, and plenty of love and support. Not to mention all the prayers!  Thank you to all my hospital warriors who helped me get through each day and night at Chez MCG. Just having another person there made it bearable. Thank you also to our Barrow Elementary family who made it possible for me to see Izzy get her award for student of the month for kindness. It was a wonderful moment; thank you for that gift.

David is completing Day 12 tonight. Just 88 more days to go! He has his good days and his bad days. Today was a good day. He continues to walk or bike daily, and he is eating as well as he can when he can. Thank you to everyone who is taking care of him in my absence. It is comforting to know you are with him.

The children and I are planning to visit David this weekend. It will be the first time we have all been together since he left Athens on August 18. I will be in touch afterwards. Until then, continue the positive energy and prayers. It is working!


Friday, September 2, 2011

Turning the, love and something more!

Hello Team Boyd,
We have had a surprisingly eventful week.  However, as the weekend nears so does our capacity for healing.  Cap was successfully taken off of the ventilator.  24 hours later, he is out of the ICU and in a regular room on the Pediatric floor.  He is still being closely monitored, but in the doctor's words, "We have turned the corner."  We will probably stay in the hospital about 3 to 5 more days if all continues to go well.  
David is 7 days post transplant, and he is doing better than his doctors expected.  He feels really yucky, but he knows he has to go through the pain to get to the healing.  He continues to be brave and strong, and I can't wait to see him.
There are so many of you out there who are doing things for Team Boyd.  I want to throw my arms around all of you and give you a tremendous hug, just like I did to the Critical Care doctor at MCG when he shared the news that we were leaving the PICU!  The poor guy didn't know what hit him:)  There is no way I could mention each and every one of you, and surely I would leave someone out.  Please know that without you, we would not have made it through this week.  As the wheels were coming off on Friday and Saturday, I continued to have a sense of peace and strength.  Many people have asked me how I am doing and how I managed to not fall apart as I watched the doctors intubate my baby.  My only answer is that a strength from somewhere other than me surrounded me and got me through.  Thank you for surrounding my family with such a powerful love.
Many of you have answered the call to help, and you have risen to the challenge.  David and I were speechless when the result of one little text message ended with the Blood Donation Center at Northside being inundated with donors for David Boyd.  Truly, our cup runneth over.
Hugs, Hugs, and more Hugs,

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Team Boyd friends really do rock!

Dear Friends,
Thank you, thank you! Over the last several weeks 36 people have made donations to the Atlanta Blood Bank for David and many more are scheduled to donate between now and the end of next week. Due to medical privacy laws the Blood Bank can not give us the names of donors so we can write you a thank you for your donations, so they have agreed to send one for us. In the meantime please know that your are giving the gift of life to David and others suffering from blood born cancers like leukemia and lymphoma and that your donations are appreciated more than words can express.
Thanks for your prayers and concerns,